Markdown Features

Saber has built-in Markdown support via markdown-it, you can enjoy all Markdown and GFM features without any configurations.

Notable Features

Not all Markdown features are documented here, we only intend to document the notable ones.

Front Matter

Front matter is used to set page data:

title: My Page Title

Markdown content goes here...

You can use YAML syntax in the front matter.


Excerpt is an optional summary or description of a page, you can set it via front matter:

title: My Post
excerpt: This post is dedicated to the world
This is a wonderful world..
title: My Post
excerpt: This post is dedicated to the world

This is a wonderful world..

Alternatively, if it is not set Saber will automatically use the first paragraph or everything before <!-- more --> comment as the excerpt.

title: My Post

This is a wonderful world..

Blah blah..

Then page.excerpt will be <p>This is a wonderful world..</p>. If you only need plain text, you can strip HTML tags with a simple regular expression: html.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '').

If you're using <!-- more --> comment, please note that only block comment is supported for now, i.e. you can't use <!-- more --> inside a paragraqh:

title: My Post
This is a wonderful world..
Isn't it?
<!-- more -->
Blah blah..
title: My Post

This is a wonderful world..

Isn't it?

<!-- more -->

Blah blah..

To disable this, set excerpt to false in your page:

excerpt: false

Task List


- [ ] Conquer the world
- [ ] Create a website
- [x] Install Saber


Note that you also need some CSS to override the default style for ul tags:

ul.task-list {
  list-style: none;
  padding-left: 0;



| Syntax    | Description |
| --------- | ----------- |
| Header    | Title       |
| Paragraph | Text        |


Syntax Description
Header Title
Paragraph Text


Saber automatically injects all markdown headings as page.markdownHeadings, if you have a page:

# A page

## A section

### Another section

The page.markdownHeadings will be:

    text: 'A page',
    slug: 'a-page',
    level: 1
    text: 'A section',
    slug: 'a-section',
    level: 2
    text: 'Another section',
    slug: 'another-section',
    level: 3

You can use the frontmatter to disable it in this page:

markdownHeadings: false

If you want to disable this globally, check out markdown.headings option.

Code Highlighting

To highlight code blocks, you need to use a highlighter plugin, Prism.js is what we recommend:

# In your project
yarn add saber-plugin-prismjs prismjs

Then add this plugin in your saber-config.yml:

  - resolve: saber-plugin-prismjs


try {
} catch (err) {
  window.location.href = `[js]+${


try {
} catch (err) {
  window.location.href = `[js]+${

You also need to include a Prism theme in your app to make it display properly, we recommend prism.css:

// saber-browser.js
import 'prismjs/themes/prism.css'

Line Highlighting in Code Blocks


```yaml {highlightLines:['2-3', 5]}
  title: Saber
  description: A framework for building modern static websites.

theme: ./src


title: Saber
description: A framework for building modern static websites.
theme: ./src
  title: Saber
  description: A framework for building modern static websites.

theme: ./src

In this case the rendered HTML will look like:

<div class="saber-highlight" data-lang="yaml">
  <div class="saber-highlight-mask language-yaml">
    <div class="code-line"><!-- ... --></div>
    <div class="code-line highlighted"><!-- ... --></div>
    <div class="code-line"><!-- ... --></div>
  <pre class="saber-highlight-code language-yaml">
    <code class="language-yaml"><!-- ... --></code>

You also need the package saber-highlight-css which provides some default styles for line highlight to render properly:

yarn add saber-highlight-css

Then import in your saber-browser.js:

import 'saber-highlight-css/default.css'

The default CSS works well with prismjs/themes/prism.css, for other themes some tweaks might be needed to suit your needs.

If you want to override the font size or font family, you need to add CSS for both .saber-highlight-mask and .saber-highlight-code code:

.saber-highlight-code code {
  /* Default: */
  font-size: .875rem;

Line Numbers in Code Blocks


```js {lineNumbers:true,highlightLines:['2-5']}
    text: 'A page',
    slug: 'a-page',
    level: 1
    text: 'A section',
    slug: 'a-section',
    level: 2
    text: 'Another section',
    slug: 'another-section',
    level: 3


text: 'A page',
slug: 'a-page',
level: 1
text: 'A section',
slug: 'a-section',
level: 2
text: 'Another section',
slug: 'another-section',
level: 3
    text: 'A page',
    slug: 'a-page',
    level: 1
    text: 'A section',
    slug: 'a-section',
    level: 2
    text: 'Another section',
    slug: 'another-section',
    level: 3

Initial Line Number in Code Blocks

For this to work, lineNumbers must be set to true.


```js {lineNumbers:true,lineStart:7}
    text: 'A section',
    slug: 'a-section',
    level: 2


    text: 'A section',
    slug: 'a-section',
    level: 2

Configure markdown-it

Check out markdown.options for setting markdown-it options and markdown.plugins for adding markdown-it plugins.